Pride and Prejudice (Stage-4)

Pride and Prejudice (Stage-4)

Yazar: Jane Austen
Yayınevi: Mavi Çatı Kitapları
Kategori: Yabancı Dilde Hikaye
Barkod: 9786052945827
Fiyat: 50,00  ₺
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Şifremi Unuttum

Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennets five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr. Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr. Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood. While Bingley takes an immediate liking to the eldest Bennet daughter, Jane, Darcy has difficulty adapting to local society and repeatedly clashes with the second-eldest Bennet daughter, Elizabeth. Though Austen set the story at the turn of the 19th century, it retains a fascination for modern readers, continuing near the top of lists of most loved books.

Kitabın Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı62
Kapak TürüKarton Kapak
Kağıt Türü2. Hamur
Basım TarihiOcak 2024
En / Boy14,00 / 21,00 cm.