What Men Live By and Other Tales

What Men Live By and Other Tales

Yazar: Lev Nikolayeviç Tolstoy
Yayınevi: Mavi Çatı Kitapları
Kategori: Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar
Barkod: 9786052947319
Fiyat: 60,00  ₺
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Şifremi Unuttum

The book is a bunch of four short stories each having unforgettable lessons and deep meanings of life.
What Men live by: I have learnt that all men live not by care for themselves but by love.
Three Questions: Remember then: there is only one time that is important- Now!
The coffee-house of Surat: The higher the man’s conception of God, the better he will know Him. And the better he knows God, the nearer will he draw to Him, imitating His goodness, His mercy, and His love of man.
How much land does a man need?: Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed.

Kitabın Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı88
Kapak TürüKarton Kapak
Kağıt Türü2. Hamur
Basım TarihiOcak 2024
En / Boy13,50 / 21,00 cm.